TOURiBOOST – Reorienting tourism education with digital, social and intercultural competences to support local stakeholders tackle strategic innovation in heritage tourism

Project Number 2018-1-TR01-KA203-058344

Programme and  call for proposal

Erasmus Plus – Key action 2 “Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good activities” – strategic partnership for the secondary education, announcement 2018

Active project

Short description

TOURiBOOST aims to modernize the touristic experience using culture and hermitage as drivers of the development of tourism. The project identifies some problematic crux he wants to contribute solving: low investments in the cultural industry which lead to a lack of innovative products and to a weak industrial competitiveness; there is a necessity of touristic industry and  cultural institutions to catch up with digital technologies by evolving their own means and services design strategies so as not to lose the contemporary public, in particular, the youngest one; stakeholder fragmentation, responsible for the management of the cultural heritage; need to balance the use and the defence of the cultural heritage by resilient methods which can guarantee an eco-friendly tourism; lack of awareness of cultural hermitage especially among the youngest one and need to develop their interest and faculty to criticise culture.


The specific objectives of this project are the following:

  • Develop a new formative multidisciplinary CV in order to increase the innovation in hermitage experience and enhance the cooperation between stakeholders
  • Develop and test “Tourism Experience Design” as a design process for new products and experiential services related to the cultural heritage
  • Develop a business attitude and mood and stimulate the collaboration among enterprises and cultural hermitage industry in order to reinforce creativity, employment, and new professional paths
  • Improve directness and recognition of qualifications and skills in the touristic and cultural industry, including the ones developed in a non-formal and informal context
  • Involving stakeholders and the youngest one in a training process taking advantage of new media and digital competencies mixed with contents abundance and critical thinking


The main activities operations consist of:

IO1: development of a methodology to sustain the skills of the touristic industry stakeholders, aiming to promote the cultural heritage tourism

IO2: develop stakeholders’ education to create touristic and cultural experiences and high-quality services in the area

IO3: application of tools developed during the project in order to involve local stakeholders for the touristic innovation

IO4: validation of professional competencies to sustain the stakeholders’ access to the main touristic trades and to the investments for innovation

IO5: develop a “Smart SkillsObservatory in Heritage Tourism”


The main expected results are:

  • Investments in human capital and innovation of the developing process of the touristic products linked to the local cultural heritage, improving skills and helping to find out new opportunities and products linked to the area
  • Higher productivity and competitiveness of the cultural heritage
  • Better cooperation between the academic and the business world in the cultural heritage industry, improving skills for innovation and development of smart products and services, capable of innovative touristic experiences

Lead partner

NecmettinErbakanÜniversitesi (TR)


The partnership is made up of 5 subjects from 5 different nations:

  • TURSAB – TürkiyeSeyahatAcentalarıBirliği (TR)
  • Kodolanyi Janos Foiskola (HU)
  • Stichting PRIME (NL)
  • InEuropa (IT)

Duration of the project

The project lasts 24 months (1° September 2018 – 31 August 2020)

Overall budget

The European subsidy received is € 238.980,00


Erasmus + Programme – Turkish National Agency