Undercreative Network: between arts and creativy

Project number 1714/001- 001CE CULT2015/COOP

Programme and call
Creative Europe – Sub-programme Culture – Call for proposals EACEA 32/2014 for European Cooperation projects

Short description
Undercreative Network is a transnational project co-financed by the Community programme Creative Europe – Culture Sub-programme within the 2014 call. InEuropa srl has carried out the project-design and currently supports the lead partner in the management.

Undercreative Network aims to create a transnational network between “creative ateliers of performing arts”, suburban academies operating in different artistic sectors in close contact with their audiences through permanent courses and the possibility of hosting a theatre season in a small internal theatre.
The network aims to: internationalise its activities; promote the transnational mobility of artists and works; better reach and expand suburban audiences; create lasting relationships between European artistic bodies for both training and production activities; promote creativity between young people and artists, integrating different artistic languages.
The partnership will work to integrate their training sessions and theatrical stations to co-produce 4 shows that bring together different artistic styles; use different artistic and creative techniques to make the “message” understandable to all (eg. the film method of the storyboard applied to the theater); organize the promotion of these shows during local festivals.
Finally, a Charter of Creative Performing Arts Workshops will be created: an agreement between the project partners and other European bodies with the same interest in internationalising creative activities, integrating artistic languages, bringing European thinking to the stage and establishing lasting cultural relations.


The project initially includes a study phase on the characters who best represent the European genius in the various countries involved. Afterwards, training sessions will be organized at local level in all countries with exchanges of artists to familiarize themselves with the different artistic languages of the other partners. This will allow to start the pre-production phase at national level and then the transnational co-production phase that will take place through itinerant artistic residencies that will allow to build a unique performance that makes dialogue between the chosen characters and the different artistic languages. This joint co-production will be hosted in the theatre seasons of the partner institutions as well as in other festivals in the same countries.

The main expected results of Undercreative Network are:

– Creation of a stable network of European creative ateliers through the signing of the Charter
– Production of new artistic approaches at European level capable of increasing the development of the public also in a suburban environment
– Creating a sense of belonging and European identity
– Increase transnational productions and artistic exchanges on a stable basis through follow-up actions
– Promoting people’s creativity in Europe.

Lead partner


The partnership is composed of 4 private entities from 4 different countries: Italy, Germany, Romania, Czech Republic.

The project had a duration of 24 months (1 October 2015 – 30 September 2017)
Internet address: Undercreative
Facebook Page

Total Budget
The project has a total cost of € 332,940.0
199.764,00 € co-financed by the EU equal to 60%.

Funding body
European Commission – Directorate-General for Education and Culture