The Water Explorer Programme, is a fun, inspiring and educational online initiative to engage schools in 11 countries in understanding how water affects lives, and in taking practical action to protect and save water in school communities. It aims to highlight the importance of water conservation on a global level.

The programme is open to young people aged 8-14 in the UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Poland, Italy, Spain, South Africa, Turkey, Bermuda and Switzerland.

Learners earn points as they complete a variety of water challenges and implement actions to manage their water more wisely. They have the opportunity to win appropriate prizes to assist them in achieving their water goals. As a further incentive every participating country selects their top five schools each year, of which one is selected as the national winner.

Water Explorer is an initiative of Global Action Plan UK and is supported by the HSBC Water Programme.

In Italy the programme is implemented by Ineuropa srl.

Schools, scouts and other groups can register for free!

Find more at www.waterexplorer.org
