BRAVE MOOC  for Social Innovation in Education is available, tested and validated!


Brave MOOC is challenging traditional education and enable participants to be part of a global community of peers. Offers the potential for opening up educational and facilitating social inclusion.
The main objectives of the BRAVE MOOC are:
– develop intercultural competences: enhancing cultural understanding, experiencing different cultural settings, through Brave MOOC courses, being able to deal with intercultural issues, feeling confident in interacting with people from other contries
– experiencing different learning methodologues
– increase/ improve digital skills: working in digital contexts, interacting with libraries in a foreign language
– self regulated learning: being able to “study” in a flexible way, independent of time and place, enhancing lifelong learning skills, developing learning self-regulation strategies.

The Brave MOOC offers to the target group, but also to other interested parts, an opportunity to reflect on and to expand their learning approaches to a virtual training program. The aim of the Brave MOOC is to help the participants, trainers and all the interested parts to develop a set of skills and apply them in various actions, activities and fields. In addition, participants will have the chance to document their effective training experience during the LTTA organised in the project.

The Brave MOOC has selected five modules with 12 exercises developed and implemented by the project participants, including as references  55 resources most of them created during the project life.
The Brave MOOC involves eight tutors speaking 16 languages across five countries.

If you would like to join the MOOC, please visit