Reconstruction of Identities

Programme and call

Creative Europe, CULTURE Sub-programme, Cultural cooperation projects – Call 2018


Short description

In recent years, photography proved to be an art capable of stimulating questions from observers about the world around them. Images are highly communicative, especially in contexts where people do not share the same linguistic or cultural background, and can be useful for bringing communities together and shaping people’s minds on different topics. Photography is a unique way of expressing ideas, perspectives and thoughts, so nowadays it can be seen as an active force capable of producing questions, opinions, feelings and desires without the need for words. Within RIO, 4 organisations active in the field of photography, each with different profiles, will be involved in a 24-month experiment aimed at reconstructing local identities through photographic language, in 4 European cities (Savignano sul Rubicone – IT, Copenhagen – DK, Zaragoza – ES, Amsterdam NL). Foreign professional photographers will interact deeply with local communities during festivals organized in partner countries (IT & DK ). This process will be further enriched by the adoption by each partner of good practices in the development of cultural strategies in the field of photography and will arouse the interest of a wider audience, enriching the programme of festivals, cultural and creative services and promotional campaigns.



  1. Rebuilding the identity of local communities in partner countries through the sharing and circulation of images representing the chosen city with the involvement of residents and immigrants;
  2. Digitize historical and photographic archives;
  3. Encouraging partner organisations with different profiles supporting photography in a process of mutual learning and consolidating and improving the knowledge and skills (including digital skills) of photographers in the various countries involved in the project, promoting transnational cooperation and mobility;
  4. Ensure the active participation in the photographic practice of each member of the communities involved in the project in order to develop a new audience and change the tastes of the traditional audience.



The main activities of the project consist of:

– Transnational residences for photographers

– Local photography workshops also with schools

– Collection of photos representing the identities of the local communities involved

– Creation of a photographic archive on Instagram

– Exhibitions in each partner country

– Activities involving the media and the public



The main expected results are:

– Increasing the skills and employment opportunities of the photographers involved;

– Involvement and cooperation between different organisations active in the promotion of photography;

– Increased public interest in photography events organised in the city, greater public understanding of the content on display and greater participation in events in the sector.


Lead partner




The partnership is made up of 4 players from 4 different countries:

– Municipality of Savignano sul Rubicone – EN

– Copenhagen Photo Festival- DK

– AD HOC Gestion Cultural SL – ES




The project had a duration of 24 months (1 October 2018 – 30 September 2020)


Total Budget

The European grant received is €199,890.00 out of a total budget of €333,150.00.


Funding body

European Commission – DG Culture


Official website