European Network in Nutritional Education for Acquired Disabilities

Programme and call for proposals

Erasmus + KA2 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training – call for proposals 2020

Open project

Short description

ENNEADI is a transnational project co-funded by the EU programme Erasmus + KA2 – Strategic Partnerships in Vocational Education and Training within the call EAC/A02/2019 (Call for proposals 2020). 

InEuropa srl supports the project management.

The ENNEADI project is mainly addressed to professionals who, with different roles, work and assist people with acquired disabilities, with particular reference to neurological disabilities resulting from a traumatic event (e.g. after a brain or spinal cord injury). The ‘sedentary’ condition of these individuals calls for special attention to healthy behaviour and good nutrition-related lifestyles, in order to prevent pathologies such as overweight and obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. This is why it is important to raise awareness and make the above-mentioned professionals more aware of the importance of their role in the quality of life and good eating practices of these not self-sufficient subjects.

Specifically, the project intends to:

1) ensure that professionals (specifically those who manage people with acquired disabilities at various levels) and the stakeholders involved improve their knowledge of good practices (at European level) related to quality of life, well-being and nutritional practices for people with acquired disabilities;

2) initiate a methodological revision of new training paths aimed at teaching the subjects mentioned above in an innovative, flexible and open way to professionals with a different education and professional background (in particular, those who only deal with nutrition and those who only deal with disabilities will be able to acquire the missing knowledge so as to integrate both fields in their profession);

3) raise awareness among partner organisations, local stakeholders, institutions and European networks on the relevance of quality of life practices and good food standards to ensure the well-being of disadvantaged persons, such as persons with acquired disabilities, with a special focus on the importance of involving family members and caregivers in the whole process.


The project involves the realisation of 4 Intellectual Outputs:

  • Guidelines on training and educational methodologies and practices for professionals who routinely work with persons with acquired disabilities, taking stock of the most recent scientific research in the field of human sciences, health, quality of life, etc;
  • Design and development of a course for such professionals on preventive dietary habits and quality of life;
  • Realisation of an e-learning course for these professionals on project issues, in a multilingual version;
  • Recommendations contributing to the promotion of the ENNEADI pathway, and specifically of the structured training course on healthy and correct dietary habits for persons with acquired disabilities at institutions and bodies offering study and refresher courses for professionals in the field.

The project will also implement:

  • 2 short term joint training events (in Italy and Spain), one to analyse existing good practices across Europe in the field of educational initiatives on preventive dietary habits and quality of life, the other to test the e-Learning Course (before the official launch) aimed at professionals.
  • 4 dissemination multiplier events: in Italy both linked with the European Day of Awakenings in October 2021 and 2022, in Spain and Lithuania at the end of the project (November 2022) for the presentation of project results.

The main expected results of ENNEADI are:

  • definition of innovative educational methodologies developed in cooperation with expert partners and validated through peer review by the project network, particularly in the field of good quality of life and nutrition practices and services for people with acquired disabilities;
  • design, testing and dissemination of educational/training tools aimed at providing professional content on good nutrition practices for people with acquired disabilities, to be used on platforms and other flexible e-learning tools;
  • commitment by stakeholders showing interest in the results of the project, to disseminate them in their channels and networks, and to use them where possible in their own organisations.

Lead Partner

FUTURA SOC CONS RL (S. Giovanni in Persiceto – ITALY)


  • University of Bologna – Department for Quality of Life Studies (ITALY)
  • Nueva Opción, Acquired Cerebral Damage Association of Valencia (SPAIN)
  • Vilnius University (LITHUANIA)

The project has a duration of 24 months (3 November 2020 – 2 November 2022) – extended by 2 months until 2 January 2023


The project was awarded a grant of € 253.255,00

Funding organization

Erasmus+ Italian National Agency – INAPP