Performances Of Wide Enrichment to Raise awareness on different abilities and promote integration

Programme and call

Creative Europe, CULTURE Sub-programme, Cultural cooperation projects – Call 2018

Active project

Short description

The POWER project was conceived by Coop. Nazareno (IT) and 3 partner organisations (GR, CZ, IE) to promote the transnational co-production of a play with disabled actors, as well as the mobility of artists; POWER aims to increase the skills and knowledge of operators who usually organise artistic activities for disabled people, in order to improve their preparation and their skills regarding good practices to be adopted. POWER will also improve the participation of young and old in theatrical activities, through actions of empowerment of the public in schools and through the organization of daytime replicas of performances specifically designed for them.

The general objective of the project is also to give greater visibility and resonance to theatrical performances and training activities that actively involve people with disabilities. POWER intends to enhance and promote as a true artistic expression this theatrical genre, which is difficult to find adequate visibility in traditional theatres and theatre seasons, and even more difficult to allow people with disabilities / actors to circulate in foreign countries to stage their performance.

At the same time the social impact of the project will be very significant, since disabled people will fight those stigmas and social prejudices that usually make them feel “less” able than “normal people”, thus increasing their self-esteem and feeling more included in the society where they live thanks to the support of specially trained operators. On the other hand, the social impact will be on the whole society, which will change the traditional perception towards disabled people.


– To strengthen and improve the artistic skills of people with disabilities, in particular in the field/sector of entertainment, and to promote their transnational mobility;
– To improve the social integration of disabled people and migrants through theatre as a universal language and barrier-free tool;
– To raise public awareness of a theatrical genre interpreted by a different artistic group and to develop a new audience for this particular artistic genre;
– To increase the active engagement of young and old people in theatre events through training courses on artistic and social awareness at school and through daytime replicas of performances in the theatre or in nursing homes;
– To strengthen the skills and competences of operators working with disabled people, both in the artistic/creative and in the social field;
– To create a long-term collaboration between artistic groups and institutions working in the field of disability and other social issues at national and international level.


– Collection of personal stories in the context of immigration and disability
– Transnational art residencies for art directors to define/elaborate performances and workshops at local level in all countries to prepare performances
– Production of the show in the partner countries
– Elaboration and implementation of a transnational training course for theatre and disability operators
– Public development activities for schools, young and old

The main expected results are:

> increase in the skills of theatre professionals and social workers on the methodologies to be adopted to involve disabled people in theatre

> Increased skills of disabled and migrant artists in the production and staging of a performance and increased capacity to cooperate at European level with colleagues and professionals in the sector.

> promotion of the social value of theatre activities and awareness of the potential offered by disability and diversity in general in the arts, as well as increased attention of the local community to new creative processes that promote inclusion

Lead partner
Nazarene Social Cooperative Society

The partnership is made up of 4 players from 4 different countries:

– Nazareno Società Cooperativa Sociale – EN
– AM.A – Theater for People with Disabilities- GR
– Studio Citadela, z.s.- CZ
– Camphill Communities of Ireland – KCAT -IE

The project has a duration of 24 months (1 September 2018 – 31 August 2020)

Total Budget
The European grant received is €199,389.00 out of a total budget of €332,315.00.

Funding body

European Commission – DG Culture

Official website
