Women Economic-independence & Growth Opportunity

Programme and call

Call for proposals JUST/2014/SPOB/AG/VICT: projects to support victims of violence and crime – DAPHNE Section


Short description

WE GO! is a transnational project co-financed by the joint call JUST/2014/SPOB/AG/VICT within the Justice and Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programmes – Daphne section. InEuropa srl supported the project.



Strengthen support services for women victims of domestic violence in Europe, with particular regard to the training and counselling services offered to these victims by shelters / anti-violence centres.


(1) Improve cross-border cooperation between support service providers for women victims of violence by identifying and exchanging good practices in at least 8 European countries supporting the economic empowerment of victims;

(2) To improve the understanding and skills of practitioners by proposing models / protocols for support services that will help victims achieve economic independence.



– Project management and coordination, in order to ensure proper implementation of activities through the development of control and coordination bodies, regular meetings and effective internal communication.

– Analysis of comparative research on existing services for women victims of violence in 8 countries, for the development of common methodologies for data collection and a comprehensive analysis framework.

– Mutual learning events for practitioners to exchange best practices on methodologies leading to economic independence of women victims of violence, while improving cross-border cooperation.

– Implementation of economic empowerment services for women victims of violence: training sessions for operators and victims in 4 countries to test new services that can help women out of situations of violence by means of economic alternatives.

– Communication and dissemination activities at local and EU level, to highlight methodological insights, outcomes and learning in at least 8 countries, also offering recommendations to policy makers.


The main expected results of WE GO! are:

– 35/50 trainers and trained officials;

– Comprehensive analysis of economic empowerment services offered to women victims of violence in 8 countries;

– Kit of training tools and training paths shared in 8 countries;

– Structured exchange between at least 50 trainees/researchers;

– At least 200 women victims of violence reached by 17 emancipation training courses;

– At least 600 women beneficiaries of the new training courses offered after the end of the project;

– At least 100 policy-makers/institutions reached by recommendations;

– At least 160,000 citizens informed about the problem of violence against women and the results of the project.



Women victims of violence, staff of anti-violence services/centres, political decision makers.

Lead partner

Actionaid International Italy Onlus


The partnership is composed of 14 public and private entities from 7 different countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Spain, Sweden. In addition, there are 7 associated partners from 4 different countries: France, Italy, Norway, Spain.


The project had a duration of 24 months (1 October 2015 – 30 September 2017)


Under construction

Total Budget

The project has a total cost of €785.030,00


€ 628,024.00 co-financed by the EU equal to 80%.

Funding body

European Commission – Directorate-General for Justice