Name of the project: PANG – Performing Arts for Next Generation. Instruction to fight the doomsday

Acronym: PANG

Ongoing project

Program and call for proposals: Creative Europe – Culture Section, Culture Cooperation Band 2021

Lead partner: Artisti Drama (Italy)

Short description

The project responds to marginalization problems and social discomfort among young europeans, activating their participation in the process of artistic creation through the use of performing arts as a means of relationship and confrontation and multimedia language as a means of breaking down geographical boundaries and the sense of isolation created in the new pandemic situation.

Project objectives

  • to fight against the social marginalization of kids involving them in the co-creative process. This purpose couldn’t be effectively addressed without an approach based on the EU strategy of equality, a crucial element of the project.
  • innovate the European performing arts sector by rethinking the dialogue between artists and audience, shaping the audience of the future. In particular, the involvement of teenagers is crucial for innovation, as it is they who dictate the line of digital evolution and sensitivity to art. The general idea is therefore to give young people an active role in the creation process, so that they can be an active and also aware and competent audience in the performing arts sector. An attempt will be made to reach the widest range of young people, through the engagement of secondary schools in each territory.
  • reflect and work on the theme of the “end of the world”, a very evocative and binding concept in this time, wants to be a vehicle for deep reflections binding about the social differences, such as the lack of rights, the marginalization, the lack of direct participation at social manners. In the PANG project, all young people from disadvantaged backgrounds will be involved in the first place, for economic, social and personal reasons. Through this project, groups at risk of social exclusion will have the possibility of participating actively in the cultural life of their country.

Project activities

The project will perform in Modena (IT), Almada (PT), Lubiana (SI), Tallinn (EE) with a national and transnational scope. PANG faces the paneuropean question of the active participation of young people at the creative and cultural process, involving them either as public and co-creators of creative contents through work done directly with artists.

The activities of the project will be in line with and complementary to the activities already implemented by the organizations, since all partners already organize workshops with different target groups, work with young people in different projects and are very active in production and coproduction of artistic works.


  • Artisti Drama (IT)
  • Glocalmusic (PT)
  • Pionirski dom – Center za kulturo mladih (SLO)
  • Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (STL)

Duration: 24 months (september 2022-september 2024)

Total budget: 199.999,9