

LeaveCare-LiveLife – Building the European Care Leavers Network for youngsters leaving foster and residential care and actively living and participating in life

Programme and call

Erasmus +, KA2 (Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practice, Strategic Partnerships in the Youth Field) – Call 2017, Round 2.

Project No. 2017-2-EN03-KA205-011223

Short description

The project is aimed at young people who leave the care system (in a community, in family homes and/or in family foster care) and intends to create a space for their participation and active citizenship (the European Care Leavers Network), so that they become protagonists of exchange and reflection activities and propose suggestions and ideas to improve policies on extra-family care and the actions to be taken to support young people during the delicate phase of “leaving” the care system. The aim is to give young care leavers more tools to better face the future independent life.

InEuropa srl has supported the planning activity.


– to involve young people in associative and participatory pathways (especially the most vulnerable young people and those at risk of social exclusion) as a form of prevention of distress, reduction of the risk of deviance, marginalization, loneliness and as a means of promoting social inclusion, intercultural dialogue and non-discrimination;

– to improve the capacity for participation and active citizenship of young people in disadvantaged contexts, including unaccompanied foreign young people;

– initiate an exchange of good practices for the reception and exit of young people from out-of-family care at European level;

– to develop a long-term dialogue between young people removed from their families of origin, the management structures of care services and the decision-making authorities on the subject through the elaboration of Recommendations on the practices of transition to autonomy and the creation of the first European Conference of Care Leavers to be repeated annually, stimulating their critical thinking and spirit of initiative;

– to support youth workers and youth workers working in host structures in acquiring effective methods to prepare young people to proactively face the exit from the care pathway;

– raise awareness among the general population, as well as the specific actors involved, of the rights and difficulties faced by young people who are removed from their families.



The project foresees the realization of 4 Intellectual Outputs:

OI 1: Development of training modules for transnational training on CLN and Focus Groups

OI 2: Virtual platform as an opportunity for experiential training and exchange among young people – creation of the European Care Leavers Network

OI 3: Development of training modules for transnational training for operators on preparing children to leave residential structures

OI 4: “Recommendations” on the system of guardianship services and the transition to autonomy for young people

The project also foresees the organization of 2 short term joint training sessions for staff (aimed at providing new tools and methodologies for the involvement of young people in a path towards the exit from care facilities) and 1 combined mobility session for young beneficiaries.


The main expected results are:

– Creation of a European Care Leavers Network with the fundamental aim of raising awareness of preventive action to improve the quality of the protection of young people in situations outside the family and the accompaniment to the exit from the protection pathways.

– Strengthening of the participation of young care leavers in the creation of support services that allow them to leave the protection pathways with a stronger and more continuous guide.

– Greater social inclusion, intercultural dialogue, self-confidence and active citizenship for young care leavers through the creation of networks with European peers.

– Less disadvantage, risk of deviance, marginalisation and loneliness of young care leavers.

– Increasing the skills and knowledge of professionals and young people working in reception structures regarding effective methods to accompany young people in the transition from care services.

Lead partner

Facilitating Association – EN


4 partners from 4 different countries:

– Asociatia T.I.B.E.R.I.U.S. – RO

– The Care Leavers Association – UK

– Careleaver e.V. – DE

– Centre for supporting communities,professionals, families, youth and children for better life quality FICE Croatia – HR

Associated partners are also involved.


The project had a duration of 24 months (1 December 2017 – 30 November 2019).

Total Budget
The European grant received is € 247 292.00.

Funding body
European Commission – Erasmus National Agency + IT03