FCHgo – Fuel Cells HydroGeneducatiOnal model for schools

Programme and call


Topic: FCH-04-4-2018 Strengthening public acceptance and awareness of FCH-technologies by educating pupils at schools

Coordination & support

Short description

FCHgo is a European project dedicated to fostering knowledge about fuel cell and hydrogen technology by delivering an educational model for schools. The project invites pupils and their teachers alike to discover the energy of hydrogen with innovative teaching materials and along inspiring activities in classrooms and beyond.


The project objectives are:

  • Support the teaching of hydrogen energy in schools by developing innovative materials, including stories, roleplays and games and by training, preparing and assisting teachers in the delivery of inspiring lessons about hydrogen in their classes
  • Stir pupils’ interest in renewable energy and raise awareness for our planet’s environmental challenges
  • Foster pupils’ understanding of natural principles and help them build up important STEM competencies
  • Provide the opportunity for pupils to transfer their knowledge and contest their skills in a European-wide school competition, awarding innovative hydrogen projects
  • Bring the ‘real world’ to science education through the involvement of industry stakeholders in all FCHgo activities



The main project activities consist of:

  • The didactic materials will be developed. The FCHgo toolkit aims at translating simple energy principles for primary schools and the opportunities of hydrogen and fuel cell technology for secondary schools into ready-to-teach materials, plays and tools for inspiring lessons.
  • In the first experimental year, FCHgo will implement and test the FCHgo toolkit in selected classrooms in project partner countries Denmark, Germany, Italy, Poland and Switzerland. The materials developed being suitable for primary and secondary schools alike, different age groups will be addressed through the FCHgo pilot classroom activities.
  • The International Award World of the future: the best FHC application will be launched in the framework of the European project FCHgo – Fuel Cells HydroGen educatiOnal model for schools  funded under Horizon 2020’s FCH GO Joint Undertaking and focusing on fuel cells and hydrogen as central elements for a sustainable energy future.
  • A national and international dialogue with potential sponsors for the use of the results and the sustainability of the programme.



The main expected results are:

  • Test and validation of the FCHgo toolkit through local pilots.
  • Spreading knowledge about hydrogen throughout Europe through the launch of national competitions and the European Award.
  • Higher level of scientific and technical skills and involvement of the students, in particular, major knowledge about fuel cells and hydrogen in schools and beyond.
  • Wider network of local stakeholders interested in the sustainability of the program.



Università di Modena



The partnership is made up of 6 subjects from 5 different countries:

  • InEuropasrl (IT)
  • ZHAW (CH)
  • DTU (DK)
  • UniwersytetMikolajaKopernika (PL)
  • Steinbeis 2i GmbH (DE)



The project lasts 24 months (1 January 2019 – 31 December 2020)


Total budget

The received European funding is € 502.498,75


Financing Corporation

European Commission, FCH Joint Undertaking